Dry Organic Fertilizers

This form of fertilizer consists of one material, like kelp (a kind of nutrient-rich seaweed) or rock phosphate, or they can also be a blend of numerous ingredients. Nearly all organic fertilizers offer a broad range of nutrients, however blends have been specially formulated to give balanced amounts of micronutrients, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. A number of different commercial blends are available, however you can mix together individual amendments to make a general purpose fertilizer on your own.

How To Apply Dry Fertilizers

Broadcasting is the most common method of applying dry fertilizer and then hoeing or raking it into the top 4-6 inches of the soil. Small amounts can be added to rows or planting holes as you are planting transplants or seeds. A majority of organic fertilizers are non-burning, unlike dry synthetic fertilizers, and won’t damage any delicate seedling roots.

Boost plant growth during the growing season through side-dressing dry fertilizers around drip lines of shrubs or trees or in crop rows. Side-dressings should be worked into the soil’s top inch.