How to Relieve Asthma at Home

Researchers are just beginning to study the effects of weight loss on asthma symptoms
In one small Italian study, 12 obese women with asthma who had surgery to shrink their stomachs and who lost a significant amount weight as a result saw a 31 percent improvement in scores that measure the use of rescue, medication compared to women who didn’t have the surgery or lose weight.

Get A Personalized Asthma Plan From Your Doctor
A shocking 55 percent with moderate to severe asthma do not have their disease under control – and these are people with health insurance and a regular healthcare provider. The result? Unnecessary emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and missed work. A major reason for uncontrolled asthma is the lack of personalized asthma plan. These plans provide information about how and when to use daily and emergency medications and a peak flow meter to monitor lung function. They also help you know when it’s time to seek emergency medical car to call your healthcare provider. Studies find that using these plans significantly reduces asthma attacks and death from asthma. The following questions can help you and your doctor develop the right plan for you.

– When should I call you?
– When should I seek emergency care?
– When is quick-relief medicine not enough?
– When, if ever, should I increase my use of inhaled steroids?
– When, if ever, should I start taking oral steroids?

Once developed. The plan should be reviewed and updated annually and given to family members and others who might need to know what to do in an event of emergency.

Learn To Use Your Inhale Properly
About one-third of people with asthma don’t know how to properly use an inhaler. This lack of understanding can increase the risk of asthma attacks, hospitalization and even death.

Use A Peak Flow Meter
If you have trouble recognizing the early signs of worsening asthma, this small, inexpensive devise can help. Peak flow meters measure your lung function, providing an early warning of an impending asthma attack. Using it daily and adjusting your medication based on the results can keep you attack free.