Antioxidant & Vitamins Dosage for Specific People

antixodant-vitamin2Together with a full-spectrum multivitamin, the following antioxidants are suggested so that the daily total (taking into consideration what is in the multivitamin) equals the recommended dosage.

Arthritis Patients
Oxidative damage leads to the destruction of joint tissue such as cartilage. These antioxidants have been shown to prevent or slow down this degeneration:
Lipoic acid - l00 mg
Vitamin C - l,000 to 3,000 mg
Vitamin E - 400 to 800 IU
Selenium - 200 mcg
Grape seed extract or Pycnogenol-l00 to 200 mg

These supplements are recommended to help athletes recover more quickly from training. Studies have shown that vitamins C and E help to reduce muscle soreness after physical activity.
Vitamin C - l,000 mg
Vitamin E - 400 to 800 IU
Coenzyme Q10 - 50 to 100 mg
L-carnitine - 500 to 2000 mg
Lipoic acid - 100 mg