Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Discover Flaxseed And Soy
Both are sources of hormones-like plant compounds called phytoestrogens. These help guard against BPH by blocking an enzyme that converts testosterone into a different form – one that triggers prostate growth. Phytoestrogen also counteract the effects of estrogen (yes, men have estrogen, too), which also fuels prostate cell growth. Researchers think one reason men living Western countries have higher rates of BPH than those living in Asian countries is that they eat lower amounts of phytoestrogen-rich foods.

Flaxseed is easy to add to your diet: buy it ground (keep it in the fridge) and sprinkle it on practically anything, from cereal to yogurt salad. You can also add it to meatballs and baked goods.

For soy, you don’t have to rely on tofu, try snacking on soy nuts or soybeans in the pods, known as edamame (available frozen), and using soy milk in your cereal.

Burn Of Some Calories Every Week
A study involving 1,000 men whole were followed nine years found that those who burned the most calories each week through physical activity were half as likely to develop BPH as those who barely moved out of the recliner. Two hours a week of swimming laps burns about 1,260 calories – putting you in the 50 percent risk-reduction zone based on this study. Other good options include running for two hours or walking for four hours a week.