How Much Exercise Do I Need To Do To Lose Weight?

3. Weigh yourself every day.
This is one of the most effective tools for helping you to see if you are slipping up. When you weigh yourself every day it helps you stay on track. That way you don’t allow one missed workout or an extra 300 calories set you back permanently.

4. Don’t try to do too much, too quickly.
Be careful about being overly motivated. It is a mistake trying to start out doing aerobic exercise six days per week or trying to lift weights that are much too heavy for you. You are much more likely to injure yourself during the first week and quit.

5. Log your workouts.
Logging your workout times will help you with achieving your weekly goals, even when you get off track for the day. At the end of your week, it can also help with inspiring you, as you look back and see everything you have been able to achieve.

6. Cook more frequently.
Calories and portions tend to be out of control whenever you eat out. Fewer calories are almost always consumed when you cook and eat a meal at home. You should save eating out at restaurants only for special occasions. Instead of getting together with friends for a meal, go for a walk.

7. Cut back on your alcohol consumption.
Drinking a glass of beer or wine not only adds a few hundred extra calories, but after you have had a couple of glasses, you aren’t even conscious of the fact that you are consuming extra calories during your meal. Completely giving up drinking isn’t necessary, but you should cut back as much as possible.

8. Beware of splurging.
You are at a party and grab some crackers and cheese. Before dinner has even started you consume 300 calories. Randomly consuming an extreme number of calories isn’t something we seem to have a problem with, but we never sporadically or randomly expend extreme amounts of caloric expenditure.