Treatments, Causes and Symptoms of Soar Throat

When Should I See Doctor for a Soar Throat?
Sore throat is a common symptom caused by a viral infection usually get better in their own for two to seven days. The decision to seek medical care can sometimes be difficult. Though many individuals with a sore throat will have a viral illness that will typically run its course and resolve without problems, there are certain causes of sore throat that may require treatment beyond expectant management and over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Therefore, strong consideration should be made to visit your health care professional for an evaluation.

Call your doctor if you have any of these potentially more serious symptoms:
– severe soar throat
– trouble breathing, or pain when you breathe
– sore joints
– painful or stiff neck
– redness or swelling of the neck
– bleeding from the throat, or blood in your saliva/phlegm
– fever > 101 F (38.3 C)
– erache
– a soar throat that last for more than a week
– difficulty to open your mouth

Most sore throats get better on their own, within a few days. Bacterial infections like strep throat need to be treated with antibiotics. See a doctor for severe symptoms like trouble swallowing or breathing, a stiff neck, or a high fever.

Home Remedies for Soar Throat
You can treat most sore throats at home. Get plenty of rest to give your immune system a chance to fight the infection.

There are various remedies that can be used at home to help soothe a sore throat, including:
– Gargling with warm saltwater (1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of water) and then spitting it out.
– Using a humidifier to moisten dry air.
– Drink warm liquids (such as caffeine-free tea, water with honey, or warm soup broth) or eating a popsicle or ice cream that feel soothing to the throat, Herbal teas are especially soothing to a sore throat
– Suck on a piece of hard candy or a lozenge.
– Rest your voice until your throat feels better.

If the sore throat is caused by infection, it is important to drink plenty of fluids and to rest in order to prevent dehydration and to allow your body to properly recover.