Ever get those nasty white pimples and wonder to yourself what that stuff is? Well it’s accumulated white blood cells that have rushed to the point of a bacterial infection to fight it off. Once the bacteria is has been destroyed, you’re left with a little disgusting warzone. So how do you get rid of it?
Well, a lot of times when people get these white pimples they want to pop it, but the better thing to do would be to just treat it as a regular pimple with one of these solutions:
1. Neosporin
This stuff will help kill off the bacteria which causes the pimple in the first place. Apply it to your face right before you go to bed and you’ll find that your pimple(s) will not be around for quite as long.
2. Apricot Juice
This is an all natural solution that works by drying up the acne from the inside and by helping to prevent future breakouts. Just rub some apricot juice on your face again right before bed, you don’t want to walk around smelling like fruit
3. Sandalwood and Turmeric Paste
Get both of these and combine them, rub that paste onto the problem areas, it will work as an anti-bacterial agent, it will also help to heal the skin eruption.
4. Rubbing Alcohol and Witch Hazel
Try this combo out. The rubbing alcohol will help get rid of the oils on your skin and the witch hazel will work as an astringent to shrink your acne down.