Tips For Getting Rid Of Acne Scars

acnescar1Anybody who suffers from having acne is very well aware of how relieved one can feel after their acne infections have been treated and their skin no longer has acne on it. Unfortunately, their relief tends to disappear very quickly after they realize what the acne has left behind- acne scars. Although they are very irritating, acne scars are quite common. Frequently it is quite possible to avoid acne scarring if acne sufferers would just follow the advice that their dermatologist, family members or information found on the internet provides them with.

What Causes Acne Scars To Form

The cause of acne scars is from popping or picking at one’s pimples. If an individual continues bothering the pimples that appear on her or his face, chest, neck, back, or elsewhere, the person can develop severe scarring. Picking and popping pimples can not only cause severe scarring, it can also cause acne to form and spread on other parts of the skin before improving. When pimples are popped or picked at, it releases a clear liquid containing acne-causing bacteria. This seeps in the areas of skin surrounding the pimple. More acne develops when the infectious clear liquid penetrates the pores. So you not only increase your chances of developing acne scars, but you also increase the likelihood that you will have additional acne breakouts. That’s why you should never pop or pick at your pimples!

You might be surprised by this, but if acne marks on your skin are not at least one year old, they aren’t considered to be scars. This scarring, which appears as a slight discoloration or red mark where the acne was originally, is called post-inflammatory change. It is one step in the natural healing cycle. Your skin might take 6-12 months to fully heal. If no more breakouts develop in the same area, and you refrain from picking at any that do form, then the marks should diminish within one year. It is considered to be a permanent scar if the mark is there for more than one year.

Other Ways Of Avoiding Acne Scars

1. While your scarring or markings are healing, avoid having your skin exposed to the sun. If you are in the sun a lot as your acne marks are fading, be sure to wear a sunscreen that has a SPF of 30 at least in order to avoid the marks darkening further as well as other kinds of sun damage.

2. Use a gentle exfoliating treatment at least 3 times per week in order to get rid of dead skin cells. In time, this will result in new skin resurfacing, which will minimize your acne scars. If you have severe scarring, you can have microdermabrasion treatments performed at your dermatologist’s office.

3. One very effective treatment that will reduce permanent and temporary scarring is laser resurfacing, which is done by a dermatologist. Lasers gently burn the top layers of your skin to a specific depth. Then new skin grows to replace that old skin which has been burned. This results in your skin looking less scarred as well as rejuvenated and renewed. Some patients find this type of procedure to be painful, however most people are very satisfied with their results. Good post-surgery skin care is critical in order for the skin to heal properly and to achieve beautiful skin. Proper guidelines need to be followed by patients so that their skin properly heals.

4. Tretinoin-related products (such as Retin-A) can help speed the healing process up and also minimize scarring significantly. These kinds of topical treatments can also help to prevent the development of new breakouts.

Natural Remedies For Minimizing Acne Scars

1. Vitamin E – Scarring can be decreased by using Vitamin E oil. If you have scarred sin from acne, a burn or a cut, apply Vitamin E oil. In a couple of weeks you will notice that your scarring has lightened.

2. Fresh Organic Lemon Juice – Squeeze some into a bowl. Then dip a cotton ball into the juice. Apply the juice lightly to your face using the cotton ball. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes before rinsing it off. Lemon juice can lighten acne marks in addition to evening your skin tone and acting as a natural astringent for reducing oil.

3. Baking Soda Facial Mask – Mix together 2 teaspoons of water and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Apply the mixture to your washed face. Leave the mask on for a few minutes before rinsing it off using warm water. Using a baking soda face mask is like having a mini home microdermabrasion treatment.

When it comes to your acne scars fading, don’t get discouraged. Just follow the tips that we have provided you with and your acne scars and marks will be gone before you know it.

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