Common Food Myths for People with Diabetes Debunked

There are many misconceptions that people with diabetes must follow a strict diet, when in reality they can eat anything a person without diabetes eats.

1. People with diabetes have to eat different foods from the rest of the family.

diabetes foodsPeople with diabetes can eat the same foods as the rest of their family. Current nutrition guidelines for diabetes are very flexible and offer many choices, allowing people with diabetes to fit in favorite or special-occasion foods. Everyone, whether they have diabetes or not, should eat a healthful diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein foods, and heart-healthy fats. So, if you have diabetes, there’s no need to cook separately from your family.


2. People with diabetes should never give in to food cravings.

Almost everyone has food cravings at some point, and people with diabetes are no exception. It’s not uncommon for people with diabetes to cut out all sweets or even cut way back on food portions in order to lose weight. In turn, your body often responds to these drastic changes by creating cravings. Nine times out of ten, your food choices in these situations tend to be high in fat and/or sugar, too.

The best way to deal with food cravings is to try to prevent them by following a healthy eating plan that lets you occasionally fit sweets into your diabetes meal plan. If a craving does occur, let yourself have a small taste of whatever it is you want. By doing so, you can enjoy the flavor and avoid overeating later on.

3. People with diabetes shouldn’t eat too many starchy foods, even if they contain fiber, because starch raises your blood glucose and makes you gain weight.

food-cravings2Starchy foods, such as bread, pasta, rice and cereal, provide carbohydrate, the body’s energy source. Fruit, milk, yogurt and desserts contain carbohydrate as well. Everyone needs some carbohydrate in their diet, even people with diabetes. Weight gain occurs when you take in more calories than you burn off. So, if you eat too much of any food, you’ll end up gaining weight. The key is knowing how much of all the good food groups to eat to help keep blood glucose levels in a safe range and keep you at a healthy weight. Choose starchy foods that are whole grain and high in fiber for overall good nutrition.

4. People with diabetes do not have to worry about eating fat because it doesn’t have much of an effect on blood glucose.

Fat, found in margarine, oils and salad dressings, has little immediate effect on blood glucose levels. However, eating a fatty meal can slow down digestion and make it harder for your insulin to work, causing a possible high blood glucose level hours after your meal. Some fats can raise blood cholesterol, increasing your risk for heart attack or stroke. These fats are called saturated fat and trans fat and should be limited as much as possible. Sources of saturated fat include: butter, shortening, red meat, cheese and whole milk. Trans fat is found in some margarines, snack foods and fast foods. Also, fat is very high in calories and should be limited if you’re trying to lose weight. Click here to find healthy alternatives to your favorite foods.

5. People with diabetes should always follow a low-sodium diet.
diabetes foodsHaving diabetes doesn’t mean you have to cut salt and sodium from your diet. However, people with diabetes should cut back on their sodium intake since they are more likely to have high blood pressure, a leading cause of heart disease, than people without diabetes. Some examples of high sodium foods include:

  • canned soup
  • canned vegetables
  • cold cuts
  • salad dressings
  • some cereals

Even if you don’t have high blood pressure, it’s not a bad idea to watch your sodium intake, since some people are “salt sensitive” and may experience an increase in blood pressure after eating salty foods.

Craving fast food? Have a sweet tooth? As always, it’s important to keep in mind portion sizes of these healthier alternatives, and make sure that the calories per serving fit with the meal plan you’re following.

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Five Most Common Food Myths Associated With Diabetes

Unfortunately the myths surrounding the “strict” diet those with diabetes must adhere to are many, the truth of the matter is actually that a diabetic can eat everything that someone without diabetes can.

Here are five of the most popular diabetes diet myths:

1. A diabetic’s diet has to be different than the rest of their family’s diet.

People with diabetes are able to eat exactly like the rest of their family does. Modern day nutrition guidelines for those with diabetes offer quite a few choices, they are flexible and allow diabetics to fit in special-occasion or favorite foods. A healthy diet consisting of whole grains, vegetable, fruits, heart healthy fats and lean proteins should be kept by everyone regardless of whether or not they are diabetic. If you are diabetic you do not have to have “special” meals, the whole family can eat the same; healthy.

2. A diabetic should never succumb to cravings.

At some point or another, everyone has food cravings even diabetics, It is common for most diabetics to completely stop eating sweets or even eat smaller portions in an attempt to lose weight. Your body’s response to these changes many times are cravings. Nine out of ten times the choices of foods during these times will be high in sugar and or fat. Many times it is in fact the combination of both.

The healthiest way to deal with these cravings is avoiding them by eating healthy and occasionally allowing sweets within your diabetic meal plans. If you do get cravings allow yourself a small bit of what it is you are craving. This allows you to relish in the flavors being craved and prevents overeating at a later time.

3. Diabetics should avoid starchy foods regardless of whether they have a high fiber content due to the fact that your blood glucose levels can be elevated by starch and you will gain weight.

Foods such as pasta, cereal, bread and rice are considered starchy foods but they provide carbohydrates which are what give the body energy. Other foods that also contain carbohydrates are milk, desserts, yogurt and fruit, carbohydrates are something that everyone needs a bit off, even diabetics. When you consume more carbohydrates than you burn that is when you will gain weight.

As a matter of fact overeating any kind of food will cause weight gain. The important thing is to be aware of the amount of each healthy food groups you need to eat in order to maintain safe blood glucose levels and a healthy weight range. Starchy foods that are high in fiber and whole grain are a great choice for general good nutrition.

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Natural Ways to Prevent or Reduce Diabetes

prediabetesIt doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why so many people are developing diabetes. Genes do play a role, but the less exercise you get and the more weigh, the greater your risk. If you aren’t part of the “diabetes epidemic” yet, congratulations. But there’s an epidemic of prediabetes – elevated blood sugar that’s not yet high enough to trigger alarms – that you should worry about now. Genetics definitely play a role, but it usually takes extra pounds and a sedentary lifestyle to develop type 3 diabetes. Excess body fat (especially visceral fat deep in the belly) and inactivity conspire to make cells stop obeying signals from insulin to absorb blood sugar. Your body compensates by pumping out more insulin, but if you can’t keep pace, you’ve got high blood sugar. Doctors don’t look for prediabetes often enough (a fasting blood test can give a pretty good indication I you have it), but now’s the time to prevent it from turning into diabetes.

Drop Just A Few Pounds
Excess weight is the number one reason adults and kids are at higher risk for type 2 diabetes now than ever before. Gaining weight can pack excess fat around internal organs at your midsection – especially if you’re stressed on a regular basis (stress hormones can send extra fat to the belly). New research shows that this dangerous abdominal fat sends out chemical that signals that desensitize cells throughout your body to insulin, the hormones that persuades cells to absorb blood sugar. Insulin resistance is the first step on the path to type 2 diabetes.

The good news, in a landmark clinical trial that followed 3,234 people with prediabetes for three years, those who lost just 7 percent of their body weight (10.5 pounds if you now weigh 170) lowered their diabetes risk by 58 percent. In fact, weight loss worked better than insulin-sensitizing diabetes drugs at cutting the odds of diabetes! A brisk cardio workout three to five times a week can melt belly fat better than dieting, say Syracuse University researchers. Brisk walking for 30 minutes daily also works.

Aim For Five To Nine Servings Of Fruit And Vegetables Every Day, Plus Three Servings Of Whole Grains
Following a low-glycemic diet packed with produce and whole grain – and cutting back on white bread, white rice, foods like pancakes and bagels made with white flour, and sweets – helps keep blood sugar low and steady. Research shows it also cools chronic low-grade inflammation in the body, which interferes with the action of insulin and the absorption of blood sugar by cells.

In a recent study of 486 women, Harvard School of Public Health researchers found that those who ate the most fruit were 34 percent less likely to have metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors, including insulin resistance, that predispose a person to diabetes. Women who ate the most vegetables cut their risk of metabolic syndrome by 30 percent. Meanwhile German researchers who followed 25, 067 women and men for seven years recently found that those who got most fiber from whole grains were 27 percent less likely to develop diabetes than those who got the least.

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