CoQ10: Congestive Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy


When the muscles of the heart lose the ability to contract with sufficient force, cardiomyopathy is the result. The potential causes of cardiomyopathy are many; the condition can be a result of poor nutrition, viral infections, or adverse immune system reactions. Cardiomyopathy is often a step down the dangerous road towards congestive heart failure, where a lack of proper heart function can be fatal without prompt medical assistance.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) can dramatically improve the quality of life for those who suffer from cardiomyopathy. A small-scale study on the effects of CoQ10 in daily 100mg doses showed extremely promising results. 82 percent of the subjects in the study showed immediate short-term improvement following CoQ10 therapy, and their survival rate after two years was 62 percent. Compare this to the conventional survival rate of just 25 percent.

Congestive Heart Failure

This is the technical term which applies when your heart is simply not pumping hard enough to provide oxygenated blood to your entire body. The most common symptoms of CHF include fatigue, shortness of breath, and water retention in both the lungs and lower body. CoQ10 can make a large positive difference for sufferers of congestive heart failure when combined with other medication and therapy. According to studies, CoQ10 leads to reduced hospitalization rates, lessened heart failure symptoms, and an overall improvement in quality of life.

Another clinical study tracked men and women suffering from low ejection fraction (i.e. volume of blood pumped from the heart) and low levels of CoQ10. Three months of aggressive CoQ10 supplementation resulted in an average increase of 24 to 50 percent in the amount of blood flowing from their hearts. Congestive heart failure patients should consult with their doctors about incorporating coenzyme Q10 into their treatment plans; a daily dose of 300 to 600 mg can be highly effective.

A daily dose of 120 mg of CoQ10 can help prevent the reoccurrence of cardiac events for individuals who have suffered a heart attack and have problems with blood clots. A year of CoQ10 therapy starting immediately after a heart attack is effective in reducing the risk of both fatal and non-fatal heart attacks. You should speak to your doctor about starting CoQ10 therapy as soon as possible following a heart attack.